Difference between Land Information system and Geographic Information System

Difference between Land Information system and Geographic Information System

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Land Information System (LIS) is defined as the geographic information system for land-use and cadastral mapping. Land Information System is used for land record and cadastral in the accurate, reliable and current format for an associated attribute. Also, Land information System entails data which are used for legal boundaries of land tenure.

On the other hand, Geographic information system (GIS) consists of a framework that is used for gathering, managing, and analyzing spatial data. Geographic information system analyses location and organizes layers of information into visualization with the use of maps and 3D scenes. Geographic information system reveals in-depth insights and provides information on data such as patterns, relationships, and helping situations. The geographic information system is used by hundreds of organizations which helps in making maps that communicate, share information, perform analysis, and provide solutions to complex problems around us.


Importance of Land Information system

1. The land information system is a system that helps in land accessing, controlling, and the decision of land-use.

2. The land information system gives basic information about the land, which is suitable for the development of public programs. Public programs.

3. Land information system creates an avenue for markets, land development, and other land activities.

4. Updating the world map is done through the help of a land information system.

5. Land information system helps to guarantee ownership of lands and securing of land tenure.

2. The land information system helps to improve urban planning and infrastructure development.


Importance of Geographic Information System

1. Geographic Information is used in the determination of the coverage of land and its uses.

2. Geographic information is useful in the estimation of flood damages.

3. The geographic information system helps in the identification of hazards.

4. The geographic information system is used for the management of natural resources.

5. The geographic information system is useful for environmental impact analysis (EIA).

6. Geographic information system helps with successful management of disaster and mitigation.

7. Geographic information system helps to manage available natural resources.

8. The geographic information system helps in the evaluation and zoning of landslide hazards.


Land Information System and Geographic Information System are mainly associated with computerized systems, which are used to manage and manipulate data. Although, research shows that geographic information systems and land information systems have similar importance but of little differences. Hence, it is hereby necessary to explain the two basic differences between land information systems and geographic information systems.
Land Information Systems (LIS), creates a medium for a large scale with a dynamic administrative system and the utmost integrity in the presentation of information. Land Information System includes new cadastral system to its system to help and improve the existing system. The land informative system, based its administrative system to help governmental and non-governmental activities in land registration, land tax collection, the subdivision of land, local government administrative establishment, and maintenance of other land facilities for effective services.
Geographic Information Systems, are medium to small scale and not dynamic administrative systems with lower integrity and accuracy of data presentation, which is common to environmental and natural resource systems. Geographic information systems usually have low integrity in the presentation of information in both environmental and natural resources. Unlike, Geographic information system which has a low supporting rating base, but with a high rating in public services. Land Information systems provide social and demographic data that are of common characteristics with geographic information systems. In some urban systems, Land information systems have different importance depending on the local government and state operations in the region. Most Urban cities increase their development from small to medium to large scale geographic information systems by encouraging and supporting their cities with strategic planning and activities.

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