Applications of GPS in Construction

Applications of GPS in Construction

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What is GPS?

A global positioning system (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system. The GPS is made up of almost 24 satellites. The best part about GPS is that it can work in any weather condition and can work anywhere in the world, throughout the day. Unlike other services, the user doesn’t have to pay any charges or subscription fees for using the GPS. The user doesn’t have to transmit any data for using GPS, as the system works independently of internet and telephonic reception.

In the year 1973, the GPS project was birthed by the U.S. Department of Defence. As the GPS was their baby, it’s used was only limited for the military of the United States, and then later on in the 1980s, the civilians were allowed to use it. As the technology started advancing, so did the demand for GPS increased, and thus, the work on modernizing the GPS began.


How does GPS work?

As stated earlier, the GPS is a system that consists of about 30 (maybe more) navigation satellites that are circling the earth. Everyone is aware of their existence is because they continuously send out signals. A GPS receiver, be it on your phone, your watch, or your GPS Navigation system will catch these signals. After capturing these signals, the receiver is going to calculate the distance from about 4 (maybe more) GPS satellite and then figure out the position of the device.


The fundamentals of GPS

The concept of GPS is based on the time and the position, which is known by the satellites that are specialized in GPS. These specialized GPS satellites carry a thing called atomic clocks, the atomic clocks carried out by GPS satellites are very stable, and they are in Sync with each other as well as the clock on the ground. This way, the satellites can draw the location with apt precision.

A radio signal with contains current time, a position as well as data is transmitted through the GPS satellite continuously.

Because of the radio waves being constant, and them being independent of the speed of the satellite, any delay in the time between the transmission of the signal and the receiving of the message by the receiver is directly proportional to the distance of the receiver from the satellite. One thing to keep in mind is that every GPS monitor is going to receive signals from multiple satellites. After receiving them, it goes on to solving equations that determine the exact position as well as the location of the receiver.

Since the GPS provides critical and proper positioning, it is used for various purposes like public use, military use, and lastly, for commercial use.


The application of GPS in construction.

GPS can do lots, and that is why it is advantageous in the construction business, it helps in:-

  • Surveying
  • Managing the Fleet
  • Finding lost and the stolen Equipment
  • Finding the location on the construction site
  • Helping in Road construction

1. Let’s understand Surveying first: –

A lot of time is wasted by the construction crew while surveying the construction site. So instead of spending time and training the construction crew with the help of the conventional pieces of Equipment. It’s better to use the GPS, as the device will help the crew in collecting the data of the entire area.

2. Managing the Fleet

The manager of the entire crew can keep a check on the vehicles of the company. This can happen by embedding a GPS device in every vehicle. The managers keep then keep a check on the position as well as the speed of the vehicles with the help of the GPS software on the phones as well as the computers. This is a very great initiative, as the company will be able to maximize the safety of the employees. Moreover, the mangers can provide rankings to the drivers based on their driving.

3. Finding the Equipment that has been lost or stolen

The GPS device is configured in such a way that it is enabled to send the data all over the internet. This way, the company can find a vehicle that has either been lost or stolen. With the help of the GPS, the coordinates will start to appear on the map that is electronically generated. The authorities can then find the location as well as the direction where the vehicle is kept or is moving.

4. Finding the location on the construction site.

With the help of the GPS equipment, the drivers can find the location at the site, where they have to deliver the pieces of equipment, products as well as the materials. They can also drop the construction crews with the help of GPS. If the construction site is enormous, then with the help of the GPS, the team can find a middle spot for meeting each other. For example, the tunnel that links France to England was built with the help of the GPS the construction team used GPS for meeting as well as delivering the Equipment. A handheld GPS machine is a cherry on top for the construction company, as the team can take it anywhere and be aware of the location.

5. Use of GPS in constructing Roads.

GPS technology is instrumental in controlling huge pieces of Equipment like excavators, motor graders, dozers, etc. These pieces of equipment are very useful for constructing highways as well as roads because there is a cut down in costs, and the construction speed is fast. An estimation has been provided, which states that using GPS enabled pieces of Equipment will double the productivity, and the construction will, in turn, be a lot easier.



GPS (global positioning satellite) has become an essential part of our lives. Initially discovered for military functions, GPS is now being used by each n every individual. GPS has started playing a very vital role in the construction business. From giving an idea of the construction area to help in people’s communication, GPS has done it all. That’s not it. The use of GPS in the construction business has been increased the efficiency, productivity, and has reduced the construction cost.

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